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- JP Software
- P.O. Box 1470
- E. Arlington, MA 02174 USA
- To order, call 800-368-8777 (USA only) or 617-646-3975, or fax this
- form to 617-646-0904.
- Otherwise we may not have enough information to process your
- order, and it may be delayed. ORDERINF.DOC also contains
- detailed information on all of our products.
- Name ________________________________________________________________
- Company _____________________________________________________________
- Address _____________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________
- Phone _____________________________ Fax ____________________________
- Register products to: ___ Company ___ Individual
- Send information on: ___ Multi-System Licenses ___ Reseller Pricing
- Where did you hear about our products? ______________________________
- Payment Method:
- ___ Check/Money Order ___ COD (add $6) ___ PO#______________
- ___ MasterCard/Visa ___ American Express
- Card Number _____________________________________ Expires _______
- Signature (REQUIRED) ____________________________________________
- Disk Size: ___ 3.5" ___ 5.25"
- Item # Serial # Total
- Product Description (see below) (for upgrades) Qty. Price
- ______________________________________________________________________
- | | | | | |
- |______________________|___________|_________________|________|________|
- | | | | | |
- |______________________|___________|_________________|________|________|
- | | | | | |
- |______________________|___________|_________________|________|________|
- | | | | | |
- |______________________|___________|_________________|________|________|
- | | | | | |
- |______________________|___________|_________________|________|________|
- SHIPPING: Subtotal $ _________
- US and Canada:
- $6 for 1st item, Sales Tax (Mass.
- $1 for each additional item 5%, Minn. 6.5%) $ _________
- Alaska and Hawaii:
- $15 for 1st item, Shipping $ _________
- $2 for each additional item
- All other countries: TOTAL $ _________
- See last page for rates (8/95)
- *Pricing and Item Numbers*
- All prices subject to change without notice
- <<For information on international distributors see ORDERINF.DOC>>
- New Copies
- ----------
- 4DOS................................ $ 69 Item # NC-100
- 4OS2................................ $ 69 Item # NC-110
- 4DOS for Windows NT................. $ 69 Item # NC-120
- *Take Command/16.................... $ 69 Item # NC-130
- *Take Command/32.................... $ 69 Item # NC-140
- * A printed Reference Manual is not included with
- Take Command. Order item #AD530 ($15) for printed
- reference documentation.
- Product Packs
- -------------
- OS/2 Pack (4OS2 & 4DOS)............ $ 89 Item # PK-182
- Windows Pack (TCMD/16 & 4DOS)...... $ 99 Item # PK-183
- Windows 95 Pack (TCMD/32 & 4DOS)... $ 99 Item # PK-184
- **JP CD Suite (includes 4DOS,4OS2.. $ 99 Item # CD-180
- 4DOS/NT, TCMD/16 & TCMD/32)
- ** Printed documentation is not included with the
- JP CD Suite. Order item #AD580 ($29) for printed
- reference documentation.
- Multi-System Licenses
- ---------------------
- See ORDERINF.DOC for pricing and item numbers. Call us if you need a
- license pack (more than one product).
- Add-Ons
- -------
- Registered users of one of our command processors can purchase another
- for use on the same system at a special reduced price. If you need a
- new copy for another system, see the new copy price above or the multi-
- system license pricing in ORDERINF.DOC. Printed Reference Manuals for
- Add-On products are priced separately (see below).
- 4DOS Add-On.................... $ 29 Item # RE-200
- 4OS2 Add-On.................... $ 29 Item # RE-210
- 4DOS for Windows NT Add-On..... $ 29 Item # RE-220
- Take Command/16 Add-On......... $ 29 Item # RE-230
- Take Command/32 Add-On......... $ 29 Item # RE-240
- Upgrades (Serial Number required)
- --------
- 4DOS........................... $ 19 Item # UP-300
- 4OS2........................... $ 19 Item # UP-310
- 4DOS for Windows NT............ $ 19 Item # UP-320
- Additional Products
- -------------------
- 4DOS Utility disk.............. $ 10 Item # AD-400
- 4OS2 Utility disk.............. $ 10 Item # AD-410
- 4DOS/NT Utility disk........... $ 10 Item # AD-420
- Reference Manuals
- 4DOS, 4OS2, & 4DOS/NT...... $ 15 Item # AD-500
- Take Command .............. $ 15 Item # AD-530
- CD Suite Manual Pack........... $ 29 Item # AD-580
- (manuals for all products)
- BOOT.SYS....................... $ 42 Item # AD-4011
- Personal REXX - DOS............ $139 Item # AD-5011
- Personal REXX - OS/2 & DOS..... $159 Item # AD-5012
- Personal REXX - Windows & DOS.. $159 Item # AD-5013
- Personal REXX - Windows NT..... $159 Item # AD-5014
- The Semware Editor Jr.......... $ 59 Item # AD-4021
- International Shipping
- ----------------------
- Calculate the total number of "points" for your order from the first
- table, then find the international shipping charge in the second table.
- Contact us for orders totaling over 10 points.
- Product Points Product Points
- --------------------- ------ --------------------- ------
- Upgrades 1 Reference Manuals 2
- New Copies CD Suite Manual Pack 5
- 4DOS, 4OS2, 4DOS/NT 3 Utility disks 1
- Take Command 1
- Product Packs 3 BOOT.SYS 1*
- JP-CD Suite 1 The Semware Editor Jr. 1*
- Add-Ons 1 Personal REXX 5
- * A minimum of 5 shipping points will be charged for all
- standard-delivery orders including this product, because the
- product must be shipped by a traceable method (expedited
- orders are always traceable, and require no minimum).
- Total Standard Expedited | Total Standard Expedited
- Points (1-2 wks) (4-6 days) | Points (1-2 wks) (4-6 days)
- ------ --------- ---------- | ------ --------- ----------
- 1 $6** $50 | 6 $41 $80
- 2 $9** $58 | 7 $48 $84
- 3 $14** $65 | 8 $55 $89
- 4 $17** $70 | 9 $60 $94
- 5 $35 $76 | 10 $66 $100
- ** This method is not traceable and is only
- available for small packages.